Fashion Fridays are pretty much my favorite days to post. Reason being, I'm not only naca, but I'm LA Naca, therefore I am in possession of a lifelong collection of nacadas filling up every esquare inch of my closet and bookshelf that I use as a dresser.
What makes me most proud is that I didn't even need to look in my own home for inspiration. In fact, today's entry was submitted by none other than LA Abogada!
Here she is, direct from San Pepe!
I love this zip-up. I really do. I even love the safety pin that's "fixing" the hole in the front pocket. Come to think of it, I bought one similar to it a few years later with this one in mind. LA Abogada, you're an inspiration!
Now, let me tell you the story as to why this sudadera is being showcased today. Back in 2004, LA Abogada and LA Doctora were living in Nueba Yol, como dicen esos de allá. They came home to NacoLAndia for Christmastime and as is often the case during la temporada navideña, nos fuimos de compras. We went to Macy's, and thanks to our mad knowledge of coupons and secret password discounts, LA Abogada got this at a steal in the clearance section.
I'll never forget how proud I was of her for telling me that she wanted to go back to NYC representing México, lindo y querido. I'll also never forget how quickly that pride turned to panic when she told me her reason.
Legend has it that one cold morning, as LA Abogada was preparing for her day, she heard noises coming from outside her apartment. Out the window, she saw two escavengers rummaging through her trash, como ratas. As they turned their gaze upward, she exclaimed, "Oh. Hells. No." when she saw the beanies on their pinches cabezas. One's read MEXICO across the front, and the other had la bandera Mexicana.
¡Qué par de sin verguenzas!
The more time she spent there, the more she realized that there are a lot of Latinos in NY, but not Mexicanos, except for estos mentados sucios sin madre. To those gentlemen, I say...I know times are tough, but if you're gonna be doing esas cochinadas, don't do it while displaying ethnic pride apparel or tattoos.
However, I'd love it if non-trash-picking model ciudadanos/jurados/testigos and the like, such as my little abogadita, were to wear more Mexican suits in the courtroom, though so far, she refuses to accept this as appropriate courtroom couture. I'm just saying, even though the judge is wearing an ugly black dress, there's no need for everyone else to look bad. I think that lawyers could make the courtroom a whole lot more interesting, especially for the defendant and his family, if they wore more attention-grabbing suits, like this...
(Photo courtesy of Trajes Tipicos punto com.)
If that's not formal enough, well, it doesn't get any more formal than a 3-piece suit like this deluxe Greca suit...
Obviously, there are ladies's suits available as well...
(Photos courtesy of El Charro 1 punto com.)
Now that I've properly addressed the fashion crisis in the courtroom, it's time for nacos all over este país sin nombre to represent and start applying to law eschools, just like LA Abogada did. Andale, nacos! Step it up! Acabo, te pagan por ser jurista, no por ser defendiente. As it is, very few of us will get in, as was made evident by this article that LA Abogada sent me about a week and a half ago about the fact that fewer and fewer well-qualified paisas are getting in to law eschools.
As for all you law eschool deans of admission, do you really think it's a wise move to block minorities from going to your eschools? According to the article, it's not a matter of LSAT escores or grades that won't let our people in, it's about not being white. Do not make me send Edward James Olmos to your house, because I will. And just WAIT until I forward this article to my homegirl Oprah. Van a ver. And if they can't get the job done, I'll be glad to send my battalion of pretendientes pelones, con machetes en mano, a tus casas, cabrones.
My money says that if I do send them, a high percentage of you WASP-y deans will by chanting "sí se puede" faster than you can say country club. Let us into your schools! If you don't, then you should start worrying about losing more than your precious ranking, pendejos.
I want nothing more than for mi gente to succeed. I hope that one day soon, with a lot of work and determination, thousands more paisas will be able to proudly say that their phone number is 1-(insert your area code here)-222-2222.
Hasta mañana.