Friday, January 8, 2010

Fashion Fridays, VI

Pos mira no más!

It's another chido edition of Fashion Fridays here in NacoLAndia!

Today's inspiration is a shirt not found in any store...yet.

Not so long ago, as I noticed a bread truck unloading merchandise at my local 7-Eleven, i turned to LA Abogada and told her I wanted a shirt with that logo on it. Time went by and I completely forgot about this declaration. Fast forward to the following Christmas morning, I opened my present from her to find la playera más chingona that I'd ever wanted, then forgot about, but I'm so happy that she remembered! ¿Me entiendes, Méndez?

Without further ado, I bring to you the best ever made-with-love-especially-for LA Naca shirt!

Thanks again, LA Abogadita!

Hasta mañana.


  1. oh snap! i totally forgot i gave you that. what year was that? christmas 07?

  2. You gave it to me?! I thought LA Abogada did! Ohhhh...shucks!

  3. Ohhhh, I think you're right. Fuzzy memory!

  4. What the hell, I told you to write about the diminishing numbers of Mexican-American law students and you wrote about a Bimbo shirt? Get on it, Naca!

  5. Bish, you're the one that gave me the Bimbo shirt! No me jodas!
