Tuesday, February 2, 2010

La Resurrección de LA Naca

¡Ay guey!

LA Naca has risen from the dead.

I'd like to thank you for your lovely words of hope while I fought a two week battle with la mentada gripa.  In particular, I'd like to thank LA Doctora for your daily harassing phone calls and LA Abogada, thank you for your kind e-mail that reads: "Turns out, I don't care if you're sick - post!"

I truly appreciate your concern.

Lastly, I'd like to thank my abuelita, que descanse en paz.  Had it not been for her pack-a-day habit combined with my enjoyment of taking the first puffs of each of her ciggies at the tender age of 9, I might actually have fully-functioning lungs.

Ni modo.

Chronic asthmatic bronchitis is no laughing matter, except for the fact that term chronic is in the diagnosis.  Hablando de eso...according to USA Today, just a few hours ago, Los San Pancho Gigantes signed twice-Dodger Guillermo Mota, who is the winner of the LA Naca's Best Name of a Real Player in Baseball History Award.

Now, you may be asking, "But, LA Naca, is there a winner for the LA Naca's Best Name of a Pretend Player in Baseball History Award?"  Let me answer that with a resounding yes.  You want proof?  Well, here you go.

Dios mio, how I love going to The Shortstop pre-, post- and non-game nights.

¡Feliz dia de la Candelaria!  If you got the baby in your slice of rosca, well, then sucks to be you because you're forced to have a party at your mom's house for people you don't even know. Lero lero! (Unless you're LA Naca's brother, who has avoided this by digesting many a plastic baby doll.)

Hasta mañana.

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