Thursday, March 11, 2010

¡Qué Chismosa!

I have a love/hate relationship with chisme, and with being a chismosa.

That being said, I've derived a simple chisme chart:

If LA Naca 

A. knows you and
 1. loves you 
      a. and it's good news: I will let you share your good news so as to not steal your thunder.
      b. and it's bad news: I will pour you a stiff drink and match you tear for tear.
 2. doesn't love you (applies mostly to primos-hermanos)
      a. and it's good news: I don't care and thus will not remember, let alone repeat the news.
      b. and it's bad news: expect the news to be posted as my facebook status.

B. doesn't know you and
 1. loves you
    - see 2b above.
 2. doesn't love you
    - see 2a above.

This outline might need revising, so we'll just call this a work in progress.

In any case, have I got chisme for you!

So, word on the street is that my favorite little hole of a restaurant where I was once cht-chted by a man sitting 2 feet away, Tacomiendo, is doomed to shut down!  Now before you start to assume rat droppings, let me tell you what I heard.  Apparently, Tacomiendo was caught by the Health Department selling chelas bajo la mesa without a beer and wine license.

To you, LA County Department of Public Health, I say, this is not a crime. This is a cultural misunderstanding.   It's what my people do.  We always hide and serve drinks under the table. Hell, my family sneaks in bottles of tequila and cases of beer to practically EVERY quinceañera y boda. It's that liquid courage that enables me to do my mother's will to take more than my fair share of floral arrangements and centerpieces.  ¿Y Qué? You gonna deport me now?

This case is as silly as trying to take away my Cajuela Cantina.  That cantina has cured every case of boredom my primos and I have ever had at any of the offensive amount of family baby and bridal showers.  I'm sorry, but if you're the one stuck getting married or knocked up, I say you're the person that needs to be drinking the most.

So, all that cheese being said, I say get while the getting's good and head on over to your local Tacomiendo before they get shut down by The Man. I'm so ashamed of never thinking to ask for a chela with my chiles rellenos before now.  Live and learn, I guess.

Off to enjoy my second Rosa Mexicano of the evening.

Hasta mañana.


  1. BOTH tacomiendos are going down or only one? It's not right. It's also not right that you wrote that the person being knocked up is the one who should be drinking. I'm not saying it's wrong, but it's just not right.

  2. I don't know if the one on San Chente is affected, but the one that got caught was the one next to TopValu. In the words of Sonora Dinamita...ES-CAN-DA-LO!
